Last week I attended
the SCEC intern colloquim. The first day all the intern's gave presentation,
the next morning we visited Cal Tech and ECI. The next few days we meet
three of the interns mentors, visited trench sites, and learned about thier
projects. The trenches were on the San Andreas Fault, so we learned about
the earthquake history. The trip was very interseting and gave me a new
excitment for my project.
This week I
have entered into a new stage of my project. We have finished the photo
mosaic for the east wall, and redid sections that were "deformed." I am
now drawing faults and units on to a Master Log. This will provide a visual
aid for my poster, and a guide to completeing the reconstructions. The
master log will have certain units highlighted so it is easy to follow,
and displacements/faults are distinct. I finished 1/3 of the log this week,
and hope to have the rest finished by next week. After the faults and units
are completed the reconstructions will begin full force! I intend to cut
and paste together my reconstruction on paper, then transfer the work on
to the conputer. It is easier to reconstruct on paper first because you
have a view of the entire computer screen. With the computer you are limited
to how much of the trench log you can view.
I am very excited to be nearing
final stages of this project, it has been alot of hard work to put together
the photomosaic. But, it looks beautiful- and I can wait to cut it up and
figure out how everything happened!